Residential Energy Calculator
Use this calculator to compare natural gas versus other fuels and discover the environmental advantages of using natural gas in your home. Disclaimer
Select your location:
Select nearest city:
Electricity generation emissions profile:
Energy rates:
Use defaults?
    Natural Gas
$ per
$ per kWh
$ per gal
    Fuel Oil
$ per gal
Complete this section to compare natural gas and alternative fuel appliances in your home.
Home's square footage:
Number of occupants:

Natural gas heating:
Compare to heating:

Natural gas water heating:
Compare to water heating:

Clothes dryer loads per week:

Meals prepared on range/cooktop/oven?:
Fuel type:
Click here to discover more reasons why natural gas is the smart energy choice.
Energy Use Natural Gas Alt Fuels Annual Savings with Natural Gas
{{gasLbl}} / Year Per Year {{gasLbl}} / Year Percentage
Space Heating {{heatMMbtu / gasFact | number:1 }} {{heatkWh | number:0 }} {{altFuelLbl}} {{(heatGen - heatMMbtu) / gasFact | number:1 }} {{(heatGen - heatMMbtu) / heatGen | percentage:1 }}
Water Heating {{whMMbtu / gasFact| number:1 }} {{whkWh | number:0 }} {{whFuelLabel}} {{(whGen - whMMbtu) / gasFact| number:1 }} {{(whGen - whMMbtu) / whGen | percentage:1 }}
Clothes Dryer {{lndryMMbtu / gasFact | number:1 }} {{lndrykWh | number:0 }} {{lndryFuelLabel}} {{(lndryGen - lndryMMbtu) / gasFact | number:1 }} {{(lndryGen - lndryMMbtu) / lndryGen | percentage:1 }}
Cooking {{cookMMbtu / gasFact | number:1 }} {{cookkWh | number:0 }}{{cookFuelLabel}} {{(cookGen - cookMMbtu) / gasFact | number:1 }} {{(cookGen - cookMMbtu) / cookGen | percentage:1 }}
Total {{gasActUsage / gasFact | number:1 }} {{(totGen - gasActUsage) / gasFact | number:1 }} {{(totGen - gasActUsage) / totGen | percentage:1}}
Emissions Natural Gas Alt Fuels Annual Savings with Natural Gas
NOx - lbs / Year {{gasNOX | number:1 }} {{elecNOX | number:1 }} {{elecNOX - gasNOX | number:1}} {{(elecNOX - gasNOX)/elecNOX | percentage:1}}
SOx - lbs / Year {{gasSO2 | number:1 }} {{elecSO2 | number:1 }} {{elecSO2 - gasSO2 | number:1}} {{(elecSO2 - gasSO2)/elecSO2 | percentage:1}}
CO2 - lbs / Year {{gasCO2 | number:0 }} {{elecCO2 | number:0 }} {{elecCO2 - gasCO2 | number:0}} {{(elecCO2 - gasCO2)/elecCO2 | percentage:1}}
Natural Gas Alt Fuels Annual Savings with Natural Gas
Energy Costs ${{gasCost | number:0 }} {{elecCost | currency }} {{totSave | currency}} {{(elecCost- gasCost) / elecCost | percentage:1}}
CO2 Emissions (lbs/year)
By using natural gas, you can save {{tonsCO2|number:0}} tons of CO2 annually. This is like taking {{carsOffRoad|number:1}} cars off the highway or adding {{acresForest|number:1}} acres of trees.
Your potential annual savings using natural gas appliances instead of alternative fuel options.
{{totSave | currency}}