Appliance Calculator

The Appliance Calculator can help you quickly determine estimated annual energy use and operating costs for most household appliances and heating/cooling systems.
  1. Select an appliance category using the navigation tiles on the left. Yellow tiles indicate electric appliances, blue tiles indicate natural gas.
  2. Use drop-down menus, where available, to refine your appliance selection.
  3. Input requested information for each appliance. Some fields contain default values which you can change, if needed, to match your home.
  4. Click "Compute" to quickly receive estimated annual energy use and operating cost.
  5. Select the "Summary" tile to see a recap of your appliance calculations.
Average energy costs and weather information for your location are used for these estimates. To receive a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation of your home's energy consumption and costs, along with valuable energy-saving tips and recommendations, complete an Energy Snapshotâ„¢ review.